Sacred Ceremony
celebrating milestones with cultivated intention
There are many steps along our path that we wish to stop, recognize, share with others, and ask to be witnessed. I am honored to carefully craft a ceremony for those moments.
Wedding / Handfasting
Wedding ceremonies can look vastly different these days and i love doing ceremonies that are uniquely meaningful to the individual couple. Each ceremony is written specifically for the occasion, incorporating elements that are meaningful to the couple, whether that be a card reading, hand fasting, or to have the ceremony centered around a certain piece of literature or belief system.
Blessing Way
Preparing for a new life is a major transition for any birthing person, and too often in the bustle of preparation this human can get overlooked as focus is on the baby to come. A blessing way is an intentional moment to recognize not only the miracle that is happening, but the effort of the individual transitioning through and carrying this miracle within. A blessing way can include many facets such as a calling in or recognition of ancestors, wishes bestowed upon the new life, recognition and empowerment of the birthing person
Coming of Age
A woman's first period is something that in recent history has been secretive, even shameful. This sacred ceremony is an opportunity to bring this natural phenomena into the light and celebrate an important transition. Whether done in private, with a few trusted elders, or as a party with friends, the young woman will be welcomed to the next step, encouraged as a maiden, and connected to the long line of powerful women who came before her.
Sacred Transition
Whether Commemorating the moment before marriage, celebrating your circle before a big move, or harnessing strength and guidance before a job change or other shift, we can craft a meaningful and unique ceremony just for you.
Burning Ritual
There are moments in life where release is necessary for moving forward, and it's powerful to do this with a physical components. Burning rituals are great for severing ties from old relationships, releasing past patterns, marking endings, and really anytime you're trying to energetically step away.
In an era of divided attention and disconnection, Sisterhood Circle offers an intentional space for coming together. Intuitives and energy healers erin jewell and Lara Kitts invite you to a night of carefully designed exercises individually curated for each event, with the aim of awakening your soul, and igniting a connection with yourself, Spirit, and the community around you.