At face value, reiki is a healing technique that originated in Japan in the 1920s. In reality, it is many things - simply a chance to relax and be cared for, a way to release unnamable stuckness, a way to connect more deeply with yourself, with the parts of you that you’ve forgotten, or never knew, with the divinity that resides inside you whether you know it/feel it or not. .
Reiki is a deep breath for your entire being. It’s an energy massage. Sometimes it takes some working though, but you know it’s good for you.
Rieki is the harnessing of life force energy. It’s tapping into what’s already there and taking advantage of all that’s available. It’s always for your highest good.
Reiki allows for relaxation, but beyond that -- re-alignment, energetic release, and divine integration.
As a reiki practitioner, in our sessions I am a channel for life force energy. Once delivered, it goes where it needs to go, for the highest good, within your energetic body. As an intuitive, once plugged in, I'm able to sense energy blocks, stored trauma (big T or small t, whether inherited or your own), and receive messages from your team of Guardian, and direct the release of held tension.
Reiki (as with many energetic modalities) is not an on demand method, and similar to western medicine sometimes when we go in looking for one thing we run into an entirely different set of blockages. Be assured though, that every session delivers results that are only aimed at your highest good.
Reiki can be done virtually, or in person. The only things it requires is consent, energetic connection, and an openness to the process. During a session all that is required of you is to relax and recieve.
Service List
1 hr
80 US dollars1 hr
60 US dollars30 min
35 US dollars15 min
20 US dollars30 min
20 US dollars1 hr
45 US dollars