When we think of working with ancestors a few things might come to mind. Images of seances, or wise elders around a fire might flicker through our mind with hope, or doubt. My experience with ancestors is quite a bit different. So here are some things to know about ancestor work, based on my personal experience both with my own ancestors and using reiki as a tool to guide others through relationship with theirs.
You don’t have to know them! Some people stress over working with their ancestors simply because they lack a solid family tree. You are connected in your body, inherited DNA and energy to the past seven generations. Multiply that exponentially and even with the purest intent and devotion, that’s a lot of names to remember! What is there to be worked with is already within you and surrounding you, whether you know it or not. Names are just a technicality.
Not all ancestors are wise! Just because they lived life before us in this iteration of time does not mean they’re smarter or know more than you. In fact, many many members of the past few generations were spiritually malnourished, and energetically constricted. Our work with ancestors isn’t always about learning, just as often it’s about forgiving/releasing.
Energy just wants to be witnessed. So much gets swept under the rug or simply glanced over in family histories. Each individual feels like their story is the most important, and they’re not wrong. So a lot of times without them even consciously doing it, their energies and their stories - their hurts, confusion, secrets can get trapped and passed down to us. Many times witnessing the story as it arises and shows itself helps to disentangle this energy, allowing both it and you the host more freedom.
Ancestor is meant to be ambiguous. We think ancestor and we want faces and names, but often ancestors are simply a FORCE -- think the chorus in Greek dramas. Once we step back through the past few generations, the line as it expands and becomes so broad that rather than being a rope, it’s more of a net or web. It is something that we can become lovingly enveloped by or completely entangled in depending on awareness and intention.
You get to choose who you work with. In my work i put up STRONG protection and only work with those who love me and have my (and your!) best interest at heart. Again just because they lived before doesn’t mean they know more than you and at the heart of it, they’re just humans albeit on a different plane of experience at the moment. You don’t need to engage with energy that makes you uncomfortable (though depending on the type of discomfort it might just be growth…. but that’s another story).
Ancestors have been screaming at me lately. They are ready to be engaged with. Fun fact - you’re absolutely SURROUNDED by a spiritual team - angels, ancestors, assorted guides and iterations of divinity. Their job and purpose is to support you! But they are super respectful and will only interfere as much as they’re invited to. And the energy that has been pouring in when i open myself up is saying “Please, we’re ready!” They are ready to help you evolve, even if that evolution means telling them you forgive them and letting them go. The more recent generations see you and while some envy your freedom, so many are rejoicing at the liberation. The more ancient generations are powerful voices sweeping into a crescendo, ready to envelope you in the vibration of a nurturing wisdom.
If you’re still confused, intrigued, excited, or downright scared feel free to reach out! This is a whole bizarre facet of the world that has opened up to me in the past few years. It can be discombobulating, but it also can be super rewarding. If you’d like to work work more with your ancestors, i have a few opportunities coming up, and always am ready to work one on one or dive deeper with a series that will serve you.
We’re moving toward fall, the veil is thinning as they say. I can’t wait to see what wisdom and connection the season brings!