The writing teacher in me knows that starting anything with a definition is lazy, amatuer, and unimaginitive, but Miriam Webster says it well. Though I prefer Google’s possibly because the poet in me misread width as worth. And the poet in me knows that sometimes a word just sits in your soul for a reason.
This is my reason. Connection, flowing together, creating something greater. Here we are : the point at which two streams/beings of equal worth combine.
Nice to meet you. Let’s make magic.
Here are a few things about myself: i believe that anything and everything are possible. Unicorns, Santa Claus, Faeries (no matter how you spell it), the magic of a first kiss or a wishing well. These are things to hold sacred. Saints, angels, Buddha, an array of Godesses, even Jesus. Why not?
I’m here to preach the gospel of Belief. Another word that has stuck in my soul. You see the ads for the bracelets- a metal disk on a bloodshot thread telling you to pick a word (Rhianna’s is faith, fyi). Mine is B E L I E V E. It’s been circling around me for longer than i really can remember. And i do. In all things, and finally in myself. And i’m here to pass that on to you.
I sign my emails “Believe in yourself and magic will happen.” And though i don’t know to whom i can attribute that tidbit, i believe it. And i’ve seen it. I’ve done it. I’ve lived it. And magic has come into my life more and more every time i take another step in faith.
Faith is something i’ve always had. I’ve never doubted. But not out of naivete. Never out of duty. I have the strong questioning streak of an indigo middle child. But why not believe? And if not, then why is all of this? Admittedly the elements in which i put my faith have shifted at worst, expanded exponentially at best, it’s always been there. And it’s always served me.
And the best part? It doesn’t have to be all that serious. While there are certain things i hold in high regard, and i believe in reverence as much as i believe in irreverence, there is so much room for learning, for what we perceive is “error” but really is just adjusting and re-creation.
Because there is always flux. There is rising and falling and action and reaction and cliches galore. But cliches exist to tell a certain truth.
And that’s why i’m there. To help
find your truth. To recreate, to encourage you to do the same, to meet you where you are and figure how to build a little more belief, and perhaps a better life. To work together.
Let’s conflux.